Sunday, November 8, 2009

Thinking about Workboxes

I heard about workboxes for homeschooling a few months ago, and recently while my mind has turned to craving a new season of organization and efficiency around here, it came back on my radar. I am now scouring blogs to see how others are implenting the idea, plus I ordered my own copy of the book yesterday. I am going to try to hold myself back from getting a bunch of supplies until I read the book, plus re-read Managers of Their Homes, and work through Managers of Their Chores, both of which I also purchased recently. Can you tell that I am really, really, REALLY wanting some fresh inspiration for getting life organized?

Here are some of the resources I am checking out for workboxing ideas:

The original site, including where to purchase the regular book or the ebook.

Many sites that have inspired and informed me:

Have you used workboxes? If so, how did you like it? Share your ideas in the comments!

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